I’m happy to say that you can read 3 different comics on Amazon or Globalcomix (for those yet to subscribe to my blog) this week with the uploading of the following dark fantasy/horror tales. They are only a couple of dollars for very nice artwork by various independent artists so take a look and you’ll have my gratitude. Jealous Gods and Azathoth Fragments are on this blog as an ongoing series for paying subscribers (similar to a manga) but you can purchase directly or read on the links provided. There’s even a variant cover for Strange Twisted Tales Issue #6 that Alex put together (should be coming online very soon for subscribers to my blog).
Jealous Gods - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B7CX8Z8D/
Strange Twisted Tales - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B7QXHCNV/
Azathoth Fragments - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B7FQQNBL/
Also, please spread the news about my blog through the share button below. If you enjoy indie writing and other works, each of us need you to spread the word about those authors you enjoy.
As you can see, I have a wide range of stories which is keeping me away from finishing up my Shadow Over Charax book which I keep promising is coming.
In other news, I’ve taken on writing a movie script (just to try it) on a cool story that I’ve been toying around with for a few months. Since it’s about 50 pages at this point, it’s too long for anything in a comic unless I turn it to a graphic novel (so never say never). However, I’m going to have some artwork completed for the main characters and maybe more. I’ll have to see where it goes.