I’m starting with a few panels of the ongoing series Battered Soul for you those interested in this story which is 1 of 2 ongoing comic series on my Substack. As a reminder, those paid subscribers get full access to the comics, along with the download in pdf format and free novellas from my book series.
According to my script for Battered Soul, there are only a couple of pages left before this chapter closes. Vin is already working on the drafts and we should have the finish soon.
Please check out the full chapter. Your funding helps keep these stories going.
For those more interested in a modern fantasy story involving aliens and ancient gods, I suggest my comic Jealous Gods,
Also, you should see improvements in the substack site with direct links to ongoing work now as static pages from the menu selection.
Lastly, I can’t forget to promote some of my novels which you can get directly from my substack blog or my website https://gordonbrewer.com/.