For those who follow my blog, you know I’m a sucker for smaller publishers. Here’s one slab I picked up last year.
Operation: Peril from the American Comics Group / ACG came out in Oct-Nov 1950. Come on, you have to love characters with names like Typhoon Tyler, Danny Danger, and the Time Travelers, Tom and Peggy. Fortunately the series is on the comic book archive sites so I can read it and not worry about trying to find another copy (unless it’s a better grade). I like the cover with the white background and storyline teasers. The series shows 16 issues on comicsplus.
Now, here’s an interesting one shot I found. Jon Juan #1 from Toby/Minoan and published in Spring 1950. According to comicbook plus, it was written by Jerry Siegel and artwork was created by Alex Schomburg. The character is an adventurer/lover who finds all the women attracted to him and you can read it online at the comic book archives as well.