I’m a day early but I pulled a few comics based on the covers. Some nice art in a sinister way from DC. I’ll start with my earliest DC Sensation Mystery (poor shape as I found them at Goodwill).
Then, I have a batch of Secrets of Sinister House.
DC definitely had some nice horror in the 60s/70s based on the covers.
Marvel, of course, has plenty to offer in the 60s/70s as I recall. I don’t have many individual pics but here’s a few in batches. Of course, I pulled out first issues as that’s my main interest but they are in the pics…
American Comics Group horror comics lasted from 1948 to 1967 with the first horror comic series - Adventures Into the Unknown. My first issue of Unknown Worlds which only went from 1960 to 1967 in the series run.
Atlas tried to keep up with DC and Marvel with a few titles.
Carlton tried as well.
Even Archie’s publisher had a bit of supernatural.