Into the New Year
Well, it's two weeks into 2019 and I've discovered I'm behind like normal. That said, I'm working heavily on my third book of the Ray Irish series so I should be grateful for the progress in at least one area.
Not trying to let bring a downer to start the year but I've notice comments on FB and other places about delays in royalties. It got me to thinking about earnings and such for independent authors. In my research I happened upon a podcast on Publisher's Weekly about a recent income survey for authors. It's kind of interesting, if a bit depressing. From my view, the good news was people can do well in the independent route. It appears that the salaries have increased significantly along that route for top tier writers since the last survey. Now I need to track down those numbers.
Here's a link to the latest news from PW which is always a good scan just to keep up to date on the world.
On a positive note, I found this tidbit on Christmas sales and the indie authors from the ABA.
And, of course, I have to put in a plug for an upcoming sale for my book, Infinite Loop. Starting 1/17/19 it's only 99 cents.