My Other Gig (or Where the Heck have you been?)
I know that I'm terrible about updating this blog. I find plenty of excuses, like I need to work on the next page of a novel, did the cat just throw up behind the couch, or there's a great anime series I need to catch, etc. But, in fairness, there is another side project that has my attention which I've written about before that's recently taken quite a bit of time.
The Creepsi comic series is slowly getting traction and I can reveal more details. For those who don't know the background, here is a synopsis I put together that will go on the second page of every issue.
My goal is to have 2-3 stories for each monthly issue. One ongoing story (about 10 pages for the main story per issue), while the other illustrated tales will run 8-10 pages. For those interested in graphic novels, manga, and comics, I hope you will stop by (and share your thoughts) as you look over the drafts in place and other tidbits I'll be adding to the Patreon site that I've created.
The first issue will have my twist to an HP Lovecraft story along with my own graphic story called, The Circuit Rider. I'm adding the first page draft for you to get a feel of the storyline. I have a new artist hard at work on the first 10 pages of the Circuit Rider and I should have another soon on my other stories. Hopefully, we should have something out in April. Drop me a line or comment about your interest or helpful ideas.